DOM  2020
DOM is a mourning ritual consisting of a walk, an act of destruction and a song. I am accompanied by three healers I chose for the occasion. From the Botanical Garden Blankenfelde-Pankow in the north of Berlin towards the south —HAU3 in Kreuzberg—, each of us carries a slice of wood. I destroy mine together with old furniture belonging to the Hebbel am Ufer theatre, with an axe, just before sunset. Then I listen to Addio! from La Traviatasang to me over and over again by one of the healers. Dom means home in Polish, cathedral in German and a person who exercises dominance in English. I walk, destroy and listen to build roots and let go of the pain of eviction. It is a discipline for sustaining a home. Against fear and homelessness.
Ritual celebrant Ania Nowak
Healers Lulu Obermayer, Julia Rodríguez, Siegmar Zacharias
Curator Barbara Raes
Production HAU Hebbel al Ufer
In the frame of Unacknowledged Loss II
Photos Dorothea Tuch