Matters of Touch  2017
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Matters of Touch is an exercise in listening to materials in their capacity to sense, coexist and become unbearably intimate. It invites to a generative practice of attention constantly oscillating between the haptic and the visual, the unknown and the discernible, the evolutionary and the momentary. Matters of Touch touches upon surfaces as zones of scintillating and micro shifting, of palpating pleasures and porous temporalities. If, as Anne Carson writes, contact is crisis, how can touch create embodied ways of thinking and being that elude exclusion and solidifcation into one identity? How can the movement of pressing close become a strategy for perceiving less noticeable politics occurring on and under the surfaces of our skin? Can I touch you with the bottom of my heart?
Idea, choreography Ania Nowak
Creation, p
erformance Raquel Alamo Bergström, Mar Medina Diaz, Duen Xara Sacchi/ Ania Nowak
Julia Rodríguez, Mateusz Szymanówka
Melanie Jame Wolf
Curator Sonia Fernández Pan
Text Irina Mutt
Arts Santa Mònica
With the s
upport of Adam Mickiewicz Institute
Photos Dorothee Elfring